BMW invited (with organization by European M5 E39 Owners Group) 50x M5 E39’s to attend the 50 year celebration of ///Motorsport at BMW HQ/Museum in Munich.
50 cars arrived from all over Europe, collectively driving far north of 100,000km.
Some driving over 5000km and shipping by boat from far away lands.
This was just one day of a multi day get-together and tour.
The 50x M5 E39’s were also invited for tour at the M5 factory in Dingolfing, but that is material for another post.
Full list of invited M5 E39’s at BMW HQ/Museum Munich
The passenger mirror was ripped off on the Autobahn when some fool pulled out into the left lane without using blinker.
Other photos of the day:
Cars & Coffee BMW Classic Munich
Nick drove in his M5 E39 into Cars n Coffee @ BMW Classic, Munich.