M5 E39 Special Invite to 50 Years of ///M @ BMW M5 Factory @ Dingolfing
BMW invited (with organization by European M5 E39 Owners Group) 50x M5 E39’s to attend the 50 year celebration of ///Motorsport at BMW M5 E39 factory @ Dingolfing, Germany.
BMW gave a drive-through tour of the M5 factory, including a full photo of everyone on the BMW test track.
BMW M5 E39’s at the gates of BMW M5 E39 factory @ Dingolfing, Germany. BMW M5 E39’s at the gates of BMW M5 E39 factory @ Dingolfing, Germany.BMW M5 E39’s at the gates of BMW M5 E39 factory @ Dingolfing, Germany.
Grainy photos taken by me
Happy to be part of a once in a life-time experience. M5 E39, again in front of the factory front gates, 20 years after rolling out and traveling across multiple continents. This time with odometer showing 8x+ around the world equator. “We have arrived at the gates of the M5 factory, driving from Munich BMW HQ on Autobahn at 280kmh. What else there is left to do?”Had to take the opportunity to snap a photo of my M5 with Chrome Shadow M5 at BMW M5 Factory. Jake’s surprised by proposal at BMW M5 factory gates The car with open trunk had the fuel pump fail right at the factory. “Don’t worry, this is a great place to break down, at the factory with 50x other M5’s to help out”.
Photos by Kaspars Daleckis Photography
M5 E39 Sunday party @ front gates of the Factory. Quite crazy experience. Usually this is a no-photo, no stopping, no parking, no drones, no nothing, zone. Route of drive-through M5 factory tour given to 50x BMW M5 E39’s by BMW themselves in honor of 50 years of ///M. Note our drive on the test track by the Autobahn. Also ignore the straight line the GPS drew on the map’s top right on the Autobahn, the GPS stops working over 200kmh :-))M5 E39’s following the Dingolfing BMW factory manager on driving tour through factory.Just like in early 2000’s, M5 E39’s all the way at Dingolfing. @Kaspars Daleckis Photography took once in a lifetime photos with help of drone of 50x M5 E39’s lined up on BMW test track at BMW M5 Dingolfing factory.The BMW M5 factory manager said: “Get this shot right, because this is the only time in a life time! 50x M5’s with factory in the background!” @Kaspars Daleckis Photography raised his drone higher to see if there are any left-over M5 E39 spare parts we can maybe take home as souvenirs, but all we saw new electric BMW parts. It is a big question, when will be the next time 50x such amazing BMW’s are standing next to each other at the Factory? Will it ever be again? To answer this question without having M5 E39’s (or E30 M3 or E46 M3) show up again, BMW must build something exceptional with a big soul… but in new cars the soul is missing. Some fire in background top left. The BMW train from Dingolfing factory to Munich crashed/derailed and because of that the next day (Monday) BMW will have to stop production at Dingolfing factory. This is a big deal because 17,000+ people work at BMW Dingolfing factory and produce ~1600 cars per day. All the cars have been on this track before, some 20+ years ago, all with odometers reading 000000.x KM. Note the “cancel speed limit” sign. After the factory tour, BMW took everyone out for lunch at their BMW cafeteria. Quite generous to call in the chefs and staff on a Sunday to serve all the drivers and guests. KMW 709 is the Swedish BMW M5 press car from from ~1999. The press BMW attended the meet and had the Bilsport 13 magazine from 1999 on the dashboard. The owner said he read the Bilsport 13 and dreamed of the car and it said it was amazing to buy the actual childhood dream car years later.